Shakespeare Live!, recorded
Shakespeare Live! From the RSC is now available as a Region 2 DVD. Here it is on display today in the Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford-uopn-Avon. Which is where it was broadcast from on 23 April. That is all.
Shakespeare Live! From the RSC is now available as a Region 2 DVD. Here it is on display today in the Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford-uopn-Avon. Which is where it was broadcast from on 23 April. That is all.
Links from the past week for this holiday weekend. • Black Dog: this is terrific - frames (one of which is above) from comic book artist and filmmaker Dave McKean's graphic-novel biography of painter Paul Nash, created as part of more
Through yesterday I posted some thoughts from The Live Cinema Conference 2016 at King's College London. At the end of the day we retired for the traditional post-discussion drinks (even if some were surprised that an event with a comparatively high more
To King's College London today for The Live Cinema Conference 2016. This intriguing event intends to explore the full range of live cinema today including 'the production, delivery and attendance of outdoor screenings, drive-ins, sing-a-longs, sensory augmentations, fully immersive more
We're delighted to say that we are working with Almeida Theatre and Picturehouse Entertainment to broadcast Rupert Goold’s production of Richard III, with Ralph Fiennes and Vanessa Redgrave live to cinemas around the world on July 21. Press reports of more
Last Thursday I was at the British Library for a fascinating conference titled Radio Modernisms: Features, Cultures and the BBC (the conference programme is here, along with abstracts and biographies). Organised by my University of Westminster colleagues Amanda Wrigley more
I think I met the great graphic designer David King, who has died, just once. Yet he shaped my visual imagination and gave form to the fight that defined my first years as a writer. I think I said hello to more
The best book that I read on holiday recently was a novel first published in 1963. My overwhelming feeling on finishing The Expendable Man was that both it and its author, Dorothy B. Hughes, deserve to be far better-known than, at least more
Something is happening here, with Donald Trump, and no-one really knows what it is. These are four important and truly, truly scary Stateside articles that begin to make sense of it: • Democracies end when they are too democratic: Andrew Sullivan on more
I fell well short this past week of my intention to post more often than every Sunday, but I shall do better next. Meanwhile, here is today's list of links to interesting and surprising stuff from the past week. • R.I.P. Alexandre more