Sunday links

26th July 2020

John Wyver writes: another selection of stuff that has caught my attention over the past week, kicking off with four essential analyses of contemporary geo-politics - as usual, I am more than grateful to those on my Twitter timeline and more

Sunday links

19th July 2020

John Wyver writes: another group of links to articles, occasional videos and Twitter threads that have engaged and on occasion challenged me over the past week - thanks, as ever, are due to those on my Twitter feed that so more

Sunday links

12th July 2020

John Wyver writes: the usual suggestions about articles, together with occasional videos and tweets, that have engaged and informed me over the past week. My thanks, as is also customary, to those on Twitter and elsewhere who have alerted me more

Sunday links

5th July 2020

John Wyver writes: more links to more stuff that has engaged and interested and informed me over the past week, much of which is thanks to Twitter recommendations for which I remain very grateful. PS. I realise these collections feature more