Sunday links

31st January 2021

John Wyver writes: each week to make this selection I highlight interesting-looking stuff as it rolls through my Twitter feed before returning to it later to read and assess, and I supplement these choices with a regular rosta of journals more

Exhibition documentaries available to download

26th January 2021

We are pleased to announce the release of our authoritative collection of exhibition documentaries for download exclusively from our website. It is the first time these films have been available digitally and we're excited to be giving them a new more

Sunday links

24th January 2021

John Wyver writes: A good week, on the whole, for the United States, but a less wonderful one, perhaps, for the rest of us - anyway, here's some stuff that I found interesting, with my thanks to those who pointed more

God Bless America

21st January 2021

Bruce Springsteen performs "Land of Hope and Dreams"| Biden-Harris Inauguration 2021 This train carries saints and sinnersThis train carries losers and winnersThis train carries whores and gamblersThis train carries lost soulsI said, this train carries broken-heartedThis train thieves and sweet souls more

God Bless America

20th January 2021

Last night at the Lincoln Memorial reflecting pool in Washington D.C. nurse Lori Marie Key, who works at St. Mary Mercy Hospital in Livonia, Michigan, sings 'Amazing Grace' at a memorial for COVID-19 lives lost. Video from WTVR CBS 6.

Sunday links

17th January 2021

John Wyver writes: after last Sunday when this selection more or less ignored explicitly political elements they elbow themselves to the fore once again this week, although my choice is of pieces you may not have encountered previously -- many more

Sunday links

10th January 2021

John Wyver writes: I have to share that I'm working on a journal article with an imminent deadline, and so this week's selection of stuff that has engaged and interested me this week is perhaps more limited and somewhat more more

New year links

3rd January 2021

John Wyver writes: Easing into the post-holiday world, which looks just as grim as the pre-holiday one, here's a modest selection of links to articles that I have found engaging and valuable over the past week. I was late compiling more