Links for ‘Le week-end’

13th October 2013

After seeing Roger Michell and Hanif Kureishi’s very fine film yesterday (above), with the incomparable Jim Broadbent and Lindsay Duncan, this clip – which I have featured before – picked itself – it’s from Jean-Luc Godard’s Bande à part (1964). Beyond are further links of the more conventional kind, with thanks due to @andykesson, @KeyframeDaily, @Dorianlynskey, @lukemckernan@jmittell and @SPINmagazine.

Handicapping the Godard retrospective: especially given the above, we need to start with the notes from Richard Brody at The New Yorker on the New York Film Festival’s near-complete presentation of the master’s works – note too Brody’s wise words on why you need to be there:

There’s no substitute for the experience of seeing film prints projected big in theatres—film is tactile, and the very size of the image entails the effect of being engulfed by it.

Patrice Chéreau, 1944-2013: we lost the great film, theatre and opera director this week – this is Trevor Johnston’s obituary for the BFI blog, but do also listen to Norman Lebrecht’s 2010 Radio 3 interview (available for only 2 days more – why? Why on earth can this – and much more – not be made available in perpetuity? There are lots of further links in Fandor’s tribute. And this is a generous extract from the opening of Chéreau’s great, great 1976 Bayreuth production of Das Rheingold; it was seeing this on BBC2 in 1979 that made me truly love Wagner.

Lives on Film: Auto/Biographical Fiction and Documentary Film Studies: another tremendous collection of links from Film Studies for Free – I’m not sure that all of us ever sufficiently express our gratitude to Catharine Grant for all of the invaluable work she does.

Jonathan Rosenbaum: … has this brand new home (and design) for his ever-vital film blog.

Where did the two-shot go? Here: more of David Bordwell’s precise analysis of filmic style.

Drowning in the digital abyss: J. Hoberman on Alfonso Cuarón’s Gravity for the New York Review of Books is essential reading:

… a truly popular big-budget Hollywood movie with a rich aesthetic pay-off. Genuinely experimental, blatantly predicated on the formal possibilities of film, Gravity is a movie in a tradition that includes D.W. Griffith’s Intolerance, Abel Gance’s Napoleon, Leni Riefenstahl’sOlympia, and Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds, as well as its most obvious precursor, Stanley Kubrick’s 2001. Call it blockbuster modernism.

A new haptical cinema: a stimulating short piece by Ryan Pierson about 3D and how we make sense of space; one of a series of ‘research provocations’ from Stereoscopic Media.

Don Jon and the digital porn dystopia: as excellent as ever, Anne Helen Petersen at celebrity gossip, academic style.

The new canon: Anne Helen Petersen also made a great contribution to the @Dear_Television discussion of Netflix at the blog for the Los Angeles Review of Books.

Interview with Chris Petit: … by Hannah Gregory for The White Review – do read.

Lost Paris – documenting the disappearance of a medieval city: a richly illustrated post from the Messy-Nessy blog as a response to the exhibition Charles Marville: Photographer of Paris (National Gallery of Art, Washington until 5 January; Metropolitan Museum of Art in the spring).

9, rue Cadet, Paris: muyblog eats a cheese baguette during a search for Eadweard Muybridge in Paris.

Leaving Colindale: a lovely post from Luke McKernan on the closure of the British Newspaper Library in north London.

Collaborative plays by Shakespeare & others: an excellent Bardathon post by Peter Kirwan about early modern theatre and more that deserves rather more attention than being noted as a notable link.

Bay watched: Nathan Heller in The New Yorker on entrepreneurial culture in San Francisco.

The rise of the reader – journalism in the age of the open web: a really good speech with lots of lessons from the Guardian’s Kath Viner…

Hatchet Job by Mark Kermode – review: … while this by Will Self is another strong Guardian piece about the culture we live in (which is only partly about its stated subject):

At the moment, the wholesale reconfiguration of art is only being retarded by demographics: the middle-aged possessors of Gutenberg minds remain in the majority in western societies, and so we struggle to impose our own linearity on a simultaneous medium to which it is quite alien.

Games Reflexions: terrific interview by Regine at we make money not art with French curator Isabelle Arvers about her new exhibition (about which there is a comprehensive post in French here), plus lots of videos and additional links.

The 29 stages of a Twitter storm: if you’ve not already seen this, Tom Phillips for BuzzFeed on the (spoof) Pricehound to-do is quite brilliant.

• Who reaps the rewards of live-tweeting in the TV attention economy?: a good piece on tweeting The Bacherolette by grad student Katie Walsh at Confessions of an Aca-fan.

The battle to destroy Wikipedia’s biggest sockpuppet army: not sure what a sockpuppet is? Read Simon Owens at The DailyDot to find out.

IRL or it didn’t happen: why we still dismiss the digital: thoughts that are well worth your time from Chris Baraniuk at The Machine Starts.

… and finally, my friend, I defy you to watch this wonder and not have a tear in your eye…

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