Links for the weekend

7th April 2013

So even if you’ve already seen this, it is worth another watch – it’s a brilliant marketing coup for Amsterdam’s Rijksmuseum which re-opens this week after a decade of closure. A detail of the painting which it recreates – Rembrandt’s celebrated The Night Watch – is above. The image is courtesy of the museum’s new website with its wonderful Rijks Studio facility which has a generous framework for downloading and re-use.

I’m not sure I can top that with any of the week’s other links, which you will find below, and for which I am grateful to @brianveronica1, @twitsplosion, @annehelen, @DanBiddle@markkrotov and @ColectivoPiloto, among others.

• The best writing on Roger Ebert and his legacy: the influential movie critic Roger Ebert died this week, and Alison Herman at Flavorwire has drawn together extracts and links from some of the many, many online tributes.

• A last gasp of stale air: for Moving Image Source, Noah Isenberg contributes a fascinating essay on Edgar G. Ulmer and his late noir film Murder is My Beat (1954).

The dream life: Michael Chaiken at Film Comment is great on Spring Breakers.

• A brief history of Chinese independent films with Tony Rayns: a terrific interview by Jia Xu with the man who knows more about the subject than most (all?).

• Remembering history, reconstructing memory: Jon Gartenberg – like the Ulmer essay above, at Moving Image Source – on the found-footage films of Jean-Gabriel Périot.

• Extracting audio from pictures: a remarkable post from last summer by the Media Preservation Initiative at Indiana University Bloomington about recovering audio from a printed image of a gramophone record published in 1890.

• Reclaiming a Knicks title: more scrupulous media restoration, this time of the only videotapes recording Game 5 of the 1973 NBA finals, as reported by Richard Sandomir for The New York Times.

Who are the people making TV shows available for illegal download and why do they do it?: Dustin Rowles at Uproxx tries to answer an intriguing question.

TV will tear us apart – the future of political polarization in American media: Matt Novak at the Smithsonian’s great blog Paleofuture uncovers a remarkable 1969 Paul Baran prediction about politics and media.

As the world stopped turning – Lynn Liccardo talks about soap operas (part one): Henry Jenkins’ Confessions of an Aca-Fan blog hosts a conversation between Sam Ford and Ms Liccardo, who is truly interesting on As the World Turns (which debuted in 1956) and other serialised television narratives; part two of the exchange is here.

Channel 4’s Dogging Tales drives Twitter conversation: analysis of second-screen activity around Thursday’s doc from Kirsten Williams at SecondSync.

When New York City tamed the feared gunslinger Bat Masterson: also from the Smithsonian, another tremendous slice of urban history from Gilbert King at Past Imperfect.

• Moby celebrates L.A. architecture: the Getty-sponsored Pacific Standard Time project in Los Angeles is cranking up a new series of exhibitions and events, this time about modern architecture in and around the city from 1940 to 1990 – this is the engaging trailer with musician and DJ Moby…

Southern California architecture – the missing early years from PSTP: … and this is an initial considered response from the L. A. Times‘ architecture critic Christopher Hawthorne.

Scientology – the story: Diane Johnson for The New York Review of Books reviews Lawrence Wright’s ‘evenhanded, chilling, and distinctly circumspect investigation’.

The bad-boy brand: Lizzie Widdicombe in The New Yorker on Vice (the entertainment conglomerate, that is).

If books then… what now? Books face the future: a stimulating post from Frank Rose at Deep Media on books as data, tech, links and, well, not books.

The national digital public library is launched: an important piece about a fundamentally important project by Robert Darnton for NYR blog.

Incident on 57th Street –  Bruce Springsteen – Hanging Rock 2 – 31-03-2013 : on Twitter this week @rwilliams1947 described this as ‘the best Springsteen audience film I’ve seen in ages’ – what better recommendation could there be?

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