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The Art of Henry Moore

Winner of the Prix du meilleur film éducatif at the 25th International Festival of Films on Art in Montreal 2007.

Henry Moore is arguably the greatest sculptor of the twentieth century. Born in Yorkshire in 1898, he died after an exceptionally productive career in 1986. His large-scale sculptures are centrally sited in many major cities across Europe and North America. Indeed it can sometimes seem as if his work has become so familiar that we fail to notice its beauties and its boldness. The Art of Henry Moore aims to rediscover the artist by returning to the works themselves – his sculptures, drawings and graphics – and to Moore’s own thoughts about them.

Archive photographs from the collection at the Henry Moore Foundation complement the artworks, newly filmed across Britain, in France and the USA. Many of the artist’s most significant sculptures are featured, from the earliest models of the 1920s to the monuments of his final years. Drawings from each stage of his career, including the famous tube shelter sketches made during the Blitz, are also included. The specially recorded soundtrack is drawn solely from Moore’s words in interviews, articles and letters.

More on our Blog:

Outside Art August 15 2008

Forty years on: Moores on Film December 17 2008

Related books:

Henry Moore: Writing and Conversations

Edited and with an introduction by Alan Wilkinson

Lund Humphries, London 2002

ISBN: 0 85331 847 6

The Life of Henry Moore

Roger Berthoud

Giles de la Mare, London 2003

ISBN: 1 900357 22 4

Henry Moore at Dulwich Picture Gallery

Scala Publishers Ltd, London 2004

ISBN: 1 85759 352 9

 Moore: The Graphics

David Mitchinson

The Henry Moore Foundation, Much Hadham 2003

ISBN: 0 906909 26 0

Related websites:

Henry Moore Foundation


Dulwich Picture Gallery

Leeds City Art Gallery