Sunday links

Next Saturday, 23 April, I am one of the producers on the Royal Shakespeare Company-BBC collaboration Shakespeare Live! From the RSC. It is going to be a great show, and you can see it at 8.30pm on BBC Two and in cinemas. But it is not leaving me much time to post, apart from this further set of links to stuff that I have found interesting in the past week.
• In excess of the cut – Peter Greenaway’s Eisenstein in Guanajuato: a really good piece by David A. Gerstner for Los Angeles Review of Books on one great director’s take on another (above), released in cinemas and for VOD this week.
• Roger Deakins – Of light and shadow: Thomas Farmer pays tribute to the peerless cinematographer.
Roger Deakins: Of Light and Shadow from Thomas Farmer on Vimeo.
• Vittorio Storaro – passage from film to digital: a lengthy and remarkable interview (as a download) with another master cinematographer about embracing digital imagemaking for the first time – Storaro’s reflections on shooting Wood Allen’s Cafe Society were prompted by Jon Fauer for Film and Digital Times.
• The rest is silence: reflections on Chaplin and Hamlet from Henry Giardina at The Paris Review.
• From farm to museum, via a Hitchcock film: Susan Delson for The Wall Street Journal reports on artist Cornelia Parker recreating the house from Psycho on the roof of New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art.
• Alan Sorrell mural listed at Grade II: good news from the Twentieth Century Society about a work by an artist who remains scandalously under-valued.
• Gobekli Tepe – the world’s first temple?: Andrew Curry for the Smithsonian on the site in Turkey that predates Stonehenge by 6,000 years.
• A revolutionary discovery in China: how a bunch of bamboo slip manuscripts from around 300 BCE is challenging long-held ideas about Chinese history; for New York Review of Books Ian Johnson reviews a recent book by Sarah Allan.
• The golden generation: vivid reporting by Jiayang Fan for The New Yorker about the children of China’s super rich at play in Vancouver.
• Neoliberalism – the ideology at the root of all our problems: for the Guardian, an extract from George Monbiot’s new book.
• When Bitcoin grows up: another (very welcome) economics lesson from John Lanchester for London Review of Books.
• The program era: Eric Banks for Bookforum on the ways in which word processing has changed writing.
• The untold story of the teen hackers who transformed the early internet: a rich slice of early ’80s network culture history from Matt Novak at Paleofuture.
• Lytro’s 755 megapixel Cinema light field camera is going to kill the green screen: a touch tech-y but nonetheless eye-opening piece by Lucas Matney for Tech Crunch that includes this video:
Lytro Cinema from Lytro on Vimeo.
• The first VR surgery will be broadcast today: in fact it was on Thursday, and this Gian Volpicelli article for Wired Health provides the background, while this BBC News piece reports on the operation removing a cancer on a colon that was streamed worldwide in VR.
BBC News Medical Realities from Amplified Robot on Vimeo.
• How an internet mapping glitch turned a random Kansas farm into a digital hell: … but the digital world has its technology horrors too, one of which is revealed in this story by Kashmir Hill for fusion.
• Let’s make the future of media again: a brief blast on medium from Cory Bergman:
The sooner we as an industry admit that Facebook and Google and Apple and Snapchat are running the tables on media innovation — mobile and video innovation — the sooner we’ll do something about it.
• In the age Of Trump, tech CEOs cast themselves as the new statesmen: interesting analysis by Charlie Warzel for BuzzFeed News.
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