14th November 2021
John Wyver writes: despite, or because of, the disappointing compromise in Glasgow last night, the state of the world is no better this weekend than last, but instead of gloom-and-doom political pieces I thought I'd begin this week's list of
7th February 2021
John Wyver writes: another collection of pointers to the past week's interesting articles and videos, gathered from my Twitter timeline and elsewhere, and with the help of friends also.
• All American end zones: for Super Bowl
24th January 2017
Although it was published just over a fortnight ago I don't want to let pass without comment a slightly thoughtless Sunday Times article about John Berger and arts television by Waldemar Januszczak. In 'A murky way of seeing' (free registration required) the
25th September 2016
To start Sunday links, this...
• My vote: Roger Angell for The New Yorker.
... and this...
• The road ahead: Kirk Douglas for The Huffington Post.
... and this, from Joss Whedon and friends (which you'll have seen but which is
1st February 2015
It's the first day of the second month of the year, and after far too long a break I have some new links to offer. One key event of the week, for all sorts of reasons which I hope to
4th January 2015
Reading and viewing (with some listening as well) to ease you into 2015, with the usual apologies for the lack of appropriate thanks to those who recommended some of the following.
• The Wire in HD (updated with video
26th July 2014
Welcome home - to sunshine, a much-neglected blog and more than 1,700 spam comments that need (rapid) reviewing. Here is a developing list of some of the things I've found interesting in the past few days since I have been
9th February 2013
The first of this week's videos - which, by the way, is totally delightful and should be watched now - is discussed by the academic Jason Mittell in his post The Scared is Spread at his essential blog more
30th December 2012
The most popular strand of this blog is the 'Links for the week' feature that I aim to post each Sunday. Although I pick up my recommendations from Twitter and Facebook as well as my general reading around the web,