Sunday links

5th October 2014

Below are links to articles and other online offerings that have engaged me in the past few days. I extend my usual apologies to those who have recommended some of these, whether on Twitter or elsewhere, and which I fail more

Sunday links stripped-down

10th August 2014

It's our boy Ben's 21st birthday today, and we have had an excellent party in Whitstable. This morning's links have now been added to, with - as before - apologies for not properly crediting those who highlighted for me many more

Coronation cogitations

3rd June 2013

Yesterday, I thoroughly enjoyed the full seven hours of the BBC's 1953 Coronation coverage which BBC Parliament re-ran in (almost) its entirety. You can read the blog that I wrote here as well as see the numerous screengrabs more

Television’s big day

2nd June 2013

17:00 So that was great, and truly interesting in so many ways, some of which I'll try to note down in a further post. A thousand thanks to the BBC for the restoration and to BBC Parliament for the re-run, although more

The terra incognita of television archives

8th May 2013

Recently I sat in a viewing theatre with half a dozen other researchers and watched a truly remarkable 1965 television documentary called Walk Down Any Street. Directed for Associated-Rediffusion by Charlie Squires, the film is a clear-eyed and sympathetic verité more