Sunday links

26th February 2017

Since I have failed for the past two Sundays to compile a list of links to things that have interested or intrigued me recently, let us begin today's (acknowledging the usual thanks to those who have alerted me to many more

Sunday links

29th January 2017

The past week has been even worse for the world than the one before, but here is a list of links not totally dominated by the hideousness across the Atlantic, the hideousness at home, and the hideousness of the two more


8th November 2016

A song for today. 'The greatest song ever written about America... and what's so great about it is, it gets right to the heart of what our country is supposed to be about." Live at the Memorial Coliseum in Los Angeles, 30 September, more

Sunday links

30th October 2016

Another fortnight and another missed Sunday links last weekend. Apologies, but I hope today's list of articles and videos that I've found interesting recently goes some way to making amends. As usual, many of these have been highlighted on Twitter and more

Sunday links

25th September 2016

To start Sunday links, this... • My vote: Roger Angell for The New Yorker. ... and this... • The road ahead: Kirk Douglas for The Huffington Post. ... and this, from Joss Whedon and friends (which you'll have seen but which is more

Sunday links

12th June 2016

It's been a week of Hamlet, the live cinema broadcast of which I produced for the RSC on Wednesday, and also of talking about Kenneth Clark's television at a BFI Southbank screening on Thursday and a Broadcasting the Arts: more

Three things 18.

24th April 2015

Each day I try to highlight just three things. Sometimes there are connections between the three things, oftentimes there are not. • The River - a new authenticity: a very fine essay by Ian Christie for Criterion on Jean Renoir's more