New year links

2nd January 2017

Links to take us forwards into 2017. With no reason beyond me finding them interesting or stimulating. Thanks to those who drew my attention to many of them on Twitter and elsewhere, and apologies for not crediting every one of more

A Dickens of a day

26th February 2012

We cried, we cheered and we clapped (a bit), and then we cried some more. At 11.30 in the morning we set out with Nicholas, Kate and friends, plus a few enemies, on the wonderful journey that was (and, in more

Catching up…

17th February 2012

Yes, I've been super-busy - and, yes, I feel guilty about not posting here for nearly a fortnight. So let me construct a post about a few of the things we're involved in and also about one or two new more

Dickens delights and discoveries

28th January 2012

To BFI Southbank for a most engaging day exploring small-screen adaptations of Charles Dickens. Three sessions throughout Saturday featured a host of fascinating clips and a number of engaging guests. In the morning, writer, curator and co-conceiver of more