28th December 2021
John Wyver writes: Herewith a selection of books, television, art, Twitter, journalism, films and just a little music that kept me going, kept me sane and kept me cheerful during what was too often an annus miserabilis. I have deliberately
8th March 2019
John Wyver writes: Prompted by social media posts and World Book Day (and I know I'm a little late), above is an image of two of my bookshelves. These are part of my 'cinema' selection, with the volumes ordered in
12th March 2017
I know it's pointless gently flagellating myself in public for failing to post more regularly. So I'll save that for the privacy of my keyboard (as well as being both rueful and grateful for how busy I am), and offer
12th October 2014
An idiosyncratic selection of articles and more that have engaged me over the past few days, with the usual apologies for not including appropriate thanks to those who alerted me to some of them.
• Le Giornate del Cinema
25th August 2014
To Middleham Castle on Saturday evening for a unique 'performed screening' of a 1911 silent film version of Shakespeare's Richard III. Sited in the glorious Yorkshire dales, the impressive castle, now in the care of English
19th January 2013
For this snowy Saturday, the week's selection of freely available online videos.
Above, Act III of no. 3 below; no 4 has snowy aspects too.
1. How motion pictures became the movies
This is a great innovation from David Bordwell's essential cinema website
6th January 2013
One of the things you quickly learn as a producer is not to use 'Happy Birthday to you' in a film. Remarkably, the song remains in copyright, and as a consequence, you need to secure clearance for its use and
29th December 2012
Following is my contribution to the week of top tens, and the last of this half-dozen offerings. Again - apart from the first - this in no particular order. Many thanks to Keith, Linda, Todd, Simon and Louise for the
22nd December 2012
Over the past couple of days there has been a lot of buzz about Snow fall - the avalanche at Tunnel Creek, written by John Branch for The New York Times. But 'written by' is only part of
16th December 2012
My strangest (and most welcome) discovery of the week was the 1929 avant-garde film La perle (above). Thanks to The Forgotten: Never Explain a Mystery, Never Wake a Sleepwalker by David Cairns at the ever-excellent Mubi.com's Notebook,