16th June 2024
John Wyver writes: with apologies for the hiatus in delivering these, welcome to the fourth Postcard from the American road trip that my wife Clare Paterson and I recently took across the mid-west. The first three Postcards are here,
26th May 2024
John Wyver writes: A second missive from the mid-West, following on from Postcard from Chicago, part one. And let me begin with a tale of two campuses (campi?). One morning this past I explored the low-level lay-out of the
27th March 2024
John Wyver writes: I'm pleased that I seem to be managing to keep the Sunday dozen going, and while I don't feel ready - or have the time - to return to blogging more seriously, I want to try floating
31st October 2016
Yesterday's Observer carried a loving profile by Kate Kellaway of the writer John Berger. Berger's 90th birthday is this coming Saturday, and Kate Kellaway catches something of the achievement and significance of his life when she writes:
Critic, novelist, poet, dramatist, artist, commentator
13th September 2016
With my colleague Dr Irene Morra from Cardiff University, I am working on a major international, interdisciplinary academic conference to be held at Senate House next June. 'Britain, Canada, and the Arts: Cultural Exchange as Post-war Renewal' will coincide with the 150th
28th August 2016
In 1966 the British artists Gerald Laing (1936-2011) and Peter Phillips (b. 1939) made the sculpture Hybrid, which is illustrated above from the immaculate online catalogue raisonné for Gerald Laing's work. Working in New York, the artists
19th August 2016
So for those of you who have even just a passing interest in films about the arts, this is GREAT. The online service BFIPlayer today launches The Arts on Film, a collection of more than a hundred feature
10th November 2015
Tonight at BFI Southbank I am introducing three documentaries about the arts made for British television more than fifty years ago. The screening is part of the excellent BFI project Visions of Change about television documentaries from
12th December 2013
Nearly a week has passed since my visit to Ghent for the hugely stimulating symposium Art & Cinema: On the aesthetics, history and theory of the art documentary. I think that the last time I was in the
11th September 2013
This is a little story about the joy of serendipitous discovery in the archives. I am working on a research paper about the ways in which Henry Moore and his works featured on television and in films during his lifetime. Central