4th February 2024
John Wyver writes: welcome to the usual mix of articles and audio that captured my attention this past week.
• Bite-sized Godard - read along with the French New Wave auteur: for MUBI Notebook, Jonathan Rosenbaum reviews a new volume
24th December 2023
John Wyver writes: a tiny present in the form of a short selection of readings and listenings, some seasonal and some not, that caught my attention over the past week. The image is 'The Nativity with the Prophets Isaiah
12th April 2020
John Wyver writes: for this week's round-up of reading and viewing that has engaged me over the past week I tried to limit stuff related to Covid-19, but somehow that proved hard to do - the first links are all
7th October 2018
Links to interesting stuff that has caught my eye over the past week, with the usual thanks to Twitter recommenders and others.
• Trump engaged in suspect tax schemes as he reaped riches from his father: truly remarkable investigative reporting from
18th September 2017
I have just returned from a fascinating three-day trip to St Petersburg (of which more tomorrow), so the Links post is a day late . In other respects it is much as I try (but too often fail) to do
16th April 2017
I have been wrestling with how best to contribute regularly to this blog while I am much preoccupied with a number of productions and several more extended pieces of writing. Sunday links columns like this have been the only ones
26th February 2017
Since I have failed for the past two Sundays to compile a list of links to things that have interested or intrigued me recently, let us begin today's (acknowledging the usual thanks to those who have alerted me to many
10th November 2016
Raoul Coutard, the cinematographer best-known for his radical work on many of the key features films of the French new wave, has died at the age of 92. Coutard shot many of the films (including the heart-breakingly beautiful Pierrot le
11th September 2016
As I fly back to the UK through multiple Sunday timezones, here are links to articles and videos that I have found interesting or stimulating over the past seven days. Thanks as usual to those who have pointed me towards some of
8th May 2016
A somewhat truncated list from my post-Shakespeare Live! holiday... normal service to be resumed next week.
• Lonely rangers - the dark side of westerns: Michael Newton for the Guardian on an excellent BFI Southbank season, Ride Lonesome: