Three things 15.

20th April 2015

Each day I highlight three things. Sometimes there are connections between them, oftentimes there not. • A new Whitney: Michael Kimmelman reviews Manhattan's latest museum, with great use of embedded video and graphics (above) in a spectacular online essay from The more

Links for the weekend

8th September 2013

So I was thinking I would find something a bit different as the lead for this week's Links. Not Shakespeare again, nor movies or television. Then I read one of the scariest pieces of prose to have come my way more

Links for the weekend

14th April 2013

There's one straight-up, stand-out recommendation this week, Eric Naiman's lengthy essay for The Times Literary Supplement, When Dickens met Dostoevsky. It's the tale of a notable literary hoax about an alleged meeting encounter between the two authors in more

Links for the weekend

10th March 2013

Let's start with the first trailer, released this week, for Joss Whedon's Much Ado About Nothing (a still from which is above). Might he just have pulled off something truly special? For further background on the film, which opens in more

Links for the weekend

17th February 2013

It's got to be Girls for the lead. The most recent episode of Lena Dunham's HBO series, titled 'One man's trash', lit up my Twitter like nothing else last week (except maybe that meteor, on which you need more