Essential Easter viewing guide

10th April 2020

With four days of holidays stretching ahead, here are some suggestions of streaming and download treats from Illuminations. New titles are now available including Being Shakespeare, Art of Faith II and Harold Pinter's Nobel Prize-winning speech, Art, Truth & Politics. more

RSC back in the USA

8th April 2013

These past few months I have spent a good deal of time in Stratford-upon-Avon, where I have been exploring further collaborations with the Royal Shakespeare Company. That's how I know that many of the company's leading lights, including artistic director more

“Time is come round”

23rd November 2012

The Julius Caesar DVD has arrived! The disc includes a new 40-minute documentary Julius Caesar: Behind the Scenes with location footage and interviews with cast and crew. We will be presenting parts of that here over the next month. But more

Links for the week [Updated]

23rd September 2012

A time there was when I posted weekly a group of links to things that I recently read or watched online. Then I stopped for a while. And now - I think - I am going to start again. Maybe more

Whitstable times

18th September 2012

You will have noticed that I have not been blogging much over the past two months. I have been planning posts, writing parts of them in my head, even jotting down drafts. There is one that I want to offer more

From a not “proper” Shakespeare producer

14th July 2012

Grrrr! I know, I know that you should never respond to criticism, but today I can't resist a little rant. I am also by disposition a retiring individual not much given to trumpeting Illuminations' achievements. But take a look at more

‘Never till tonight, never till now’

24th June 2012

06:20 (Monday morning): In fact, I didn't add to the blog (see 22:23 below) after the end of the broadcast. In part this was because my two sons came back from the pub disappointed and dejected (no, they hadn't been more