Sunday links

14th February 2021

John Wyver writes: another lockdown weekend, another list of links to articles and videos that have engaged me over the past seven days; my thanks as always to all those in my Twitter timeline who share interesting, informative and - more

Sunday links

12th July 2020

John Wyver writes: the usual suggestions about articles, together with occasional videos and tweets, that have engaged and informed me over the past week. My thanks, as is also customary, to those on Twitter and elsewhere who have alerted me more

Sunday links

12th November 2017

It's unlikely that anyone will have noticed, but whether about links or anything else I have not posted here for some six weeks. Moreover, my contributions in the months before that were, well let's just say... sporadic. Maybe they are destined more

Sunday links

3rd September 2017

Once more, I return to the blog with, I hope, sufficient energy to see us through at least part of the autumn. So to start with, as I've contributed in the past (even if not too often recently) here are more

Sunday links

22nd May 2016

I fell well short this past week of my intention to post more often than every Sunday, but I shall do better next. Meanwhile, here is today's list of links to interesting and surprising stuff from the past week. • R.I.P. Alexandre more

Sunday links

27th March 2016

A time there was when very Sunday morning I contributed a list of reading and viewing that I had found interesting during the previous week. To mark this blog rising once again from decrepitude, here is a selection for today. • more

5 x 5 No. 1: Linda’s list

28th December 2015

For the end of 2015, when this blog has been less than it should have been, and for the start of 2016, when I intend it to be more than it has been, we offer five short lists of five more

Sunday links

5th October 2014

Below are links to articles and other online offerings that have engaged me in the past few days. I extend my usual apologies to those who have recommended some of these, whether on Twitter or elsewhere, and which I fail more